校外学习 & 交流












是的! 你可浏览我们的 建议的网站 预约或发送电子邮件 ocse@marque-paris.com . Same day appointments are often available and we are happy to meet in-person (starbuck 202)或变焦. 


你应该和你的学术顾问谈谈你主修或辅修的课程 或者是那些可以或者应该在校外开设的大学必修课程. It is a good idea to sit down and plan out the semesters before and after your time 校外也一样. 这将帮助你了解你是否或何时有灵活的空间 当你选择校外课程时.


是的. 学生通常可以选修专业以外的学科领域的课程. 一些 programs abroad, however, may limit enrollment options in this regard—be sure to check 在提交申请之前,你的项目要求. 你也应该告知 yourself of 什么 requirements you 需要 to fulfill while off campus and be sure you understand how major, minor, or all-college requirements 将 affect your program 课程选择.


With careful planning off campus study should help, not hinder, your progress toward 毕业. 此外,它提供了重要的机会,以提高学术 你在校园里从事的工作.


你应该复习一下 认可节目列表 developed by your major or minor 部门 to determine which off-campus programs 被那个地区approved了吗. 该方案列入各部门approved 课程列表是那些在学术上适合该专业或辅修专业的项目. 经approved的 项目列表package括国外和美国的火博体育和非火博体育项目.S./加拿大. Students should consult with their major or minor 部门 and an advisor in Off-Campus 研究 & 火博体育获得信贷approved的交流.


What is the 区别 between 火博体育项目 and International and Domestic Approved 项目?

火博体育项目 and Approved 项目 are treated the same 当 it comes to billing. 请参阅以下“grades和学分'和'FINANCES,以了解如何处理各种程序的更多细节.

  • 火博体育项目 are study abroad programs that have been developed by the faculty and OCSE to directly 支持火博体育课程的某些方面. 火博体育项目得到了管理 OCSE对这些项目也有一般的监督.
  • 国际和国内认可的项目 are study abroad programs that have been reviewed and approved by Skidmore's academic 部门s, the OCSE and the Committee on Educational Policies and Planning (CEPP). They are high quality programs that offer academically rigorous programs and a strong on-site administrative structure, and are available in a wide variety of destinations 世界各地.


If you want off campus 信贷 to count toward your 大/小, you should first review 来自 主修/副修系的核准课程清单. While you are not limited to only p艺术icipating on a program approved by your 大/小 部门, this is a good place to st艺术 exploring 什么 programs 将 work for your 大/小. 无论你选择什么专业,你都将与你的专业相结合 or minor 部门 on securing course 信贷 approval for courses on all Approved 项目. 

如果我 需要对我的专业或辅修学分?

If you 不 需要 信贷 toward your 大/小, you 将 still search for programs 在大学范围内 硕士认可课程列表. 总清单可通过OCSE和在线获得 在这里.


If you cannot find an appropriate program in the existing program lists, you may petition to p艺术icipate on a study abroad program that is not already approved by Skidmore. The petition must have an academic focus and have support of the students' 大/小 部门. 希望申请非approved课程的学生必须咨询 OCSE了解详情.



通常,青少年 申请校外学习. 在火博体育教育的其他阶段的学生必须 提交一份意向书和推荐信 从他们的学术顾问那里去校外学习.


你需要一个 平均绩点 2.75 或者更好的是去校外学习. 你还必须有良好的学术,社交能力 离职时与学院的FINANCES. 你应该检查一下 与您的具体计划有关的任何额外要求.


是的. 你必须 申报专业 事实上,你必须提前这么做 应用 通过OCSE在校外学习. 这条规则适用于所有申请大学的学生 a semester/full year program, including those who 将 study off-campus during their 大学二年级.


你需要 to check with your specific program of interest for 先决条件s to 具体项目和课程. 有些项目会有语言要求或要求 you complete certain culture- or discipline-based coursework before p艺术icipating.

我是否需要在递交申请时一并提交补充或特殊材料.e. 艺术 portfolio)?

Fine 艺术s programs do tend to require that samples of a student's work, and possibly 一份与学科相关的汇兑单,附初级课程申请表. 在另外, programs offered in a language other than 英语 may also require verification of 学生对外语的熟练程度. 请与您的具体项目核对 of interest to determine 什么, if any, supplemental materials are required for your 应用程序.



If you p艺术icipate on a Skidmore Program 你的学分会以 Skidmore credits. If you p艺术icipate on  an International Approved Program or a Domestic Approved Program 你的学分会以 转移学分. 这意味着你必须获得“C”或更高的grades才能算上这门课.


If you p艺术icipate on a Skidmore Program, your grades 将 be 计算 into your 平均绩点. 如果你参加的是国际认可的项目或国内认可的项目 你的grades不会被计算到你的平均绩点中.


All courses at the 300 level 将 be applicable to the all-college requirement for maturity度级别信用. 每个系决定有多少到期级学分 可以从校外学习的专业或辅修课程. 因此,你必须 work with the appropriate Dep艺术ment Chair or Program Director before dep艺术ure to determine which of the 300-level courses taken while off campus 将 fulfill 部门al 或者其他要求.


所有的大学要求都可以在校外学习期间完成. 你需要 to seek pre-approval through the appropriate 部门 or the 注册商's Office.



Students p艺术icipating on 火博体育项目 and International or Domestic Approved 项目将由Skidmore收取Skidmore综合费用. 综合 fee includes the current rates for Skidmore tuition, room at the on campus ap艺术ment 费用和伙食费(如适用). 作为回报,火博体育将管理该项目的付款 提供商,因为程序提供商将直接向Skidmore/OCSE付款. 火博体育将 pay the provider for tuition and mandatory academic fees, room, board (if applicable), 以及强制性医疗保险. 学生负责任何可退还的押金 payable to the program provider, transportation costs to and from the program, passport 还有签证费和个人开销. 注意:有些项目不package括餐费 他们的费用或他们package括部分膳食计划. 如果是这样,火博体育会 not bill you for board or 将 bill for p艺术ial board only, and you 将 be responsible 你的饭菜.




你可以在所有学期的校外项目中使用大多数经济援助. 如果你收到 艾德,你应该和一个 金融援助 代表根据增加的费用审查可能的援助变化.



是的. 火博体育学院通过GeoBlue获得了国际旅行保险. 

Students approved to study off-campus in a country other than their home country 将 在此计划下,通过电子邮件直接从 航母在他们的项目开始日期前不久. 你可以阅读更多的报道 在这里.

在HEALTH方面 & 安全性,火博体育用什么标准来评估项目的可行性?

Skidmore,像许多项目提供商一样,将利用美国的资金.S. 国务院(DOS) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as our primary source for health, 地点的安全和保安评估. 然而,我们也监控和接收 updates from multiple risk management organizations and advisories from overseas governments. We also have the benefit of receiving real-time information and updates from onsite 项目工作人员.

We then assess program viability based on information received on public health infrastructure, societal restrictions, transportation infrastructure, political instability, travel 限制和新出现的安全风险.